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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Business English

Modul: Job Interview - Razgovor za posao

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: What Employers Want




"Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, `What`s in it for me?`" - Brian Tracy

What are employers looking for in employees? What traits are considered valuable?

Many surveys have been done in the past to determine what employers are looking for in employees. Certain attributes show up consistently in these surveys. The number one trait that employers stated that they wanted in employees was:


A good attitude

In this day of rush and hurry, and impoliteness, good people skills and the ability to communicate well with others is extremely valued in the workplace.

Team players are needed, and employers are looking for those with the ability to work well with others. This means being able to work well with others and being supportive of co-workers, instead of sabotaging them or trying to make others "look bad" (often at the expense of the project or task). It also means respecting the thoughts and opinions of coworkers.

Criticizing, blaming, or being known as "difficult" is not okay in today`s workplace. Smiling, communicating well, and knowing how to be gracious and flexible is highly valued. Employers consider a positive outlook and enthusiasm for the job important, as well as taking responsibility for one`s actions and personal integrity. Employers are looking for employees that they can trust, and whom they believe will do a good job.

Self-esteem and confidence are considered part of a positive outlook. Employees with a good attitude will contribute towards reaching the company`s goals, and adapt well to the culture of the workplace.


The ability to work hard

This probably comes as no surprise, but the hard working and productive employee is highly valued by employers (and has the best chance of being hired during interviews). This means being willing to do occasional overtime when required, or doing your best work (and not taking frequent breaks or "goofing off") when on the job.

This trait is also related to self-motivation and the desire to succeed. Employers stated in surveys that the self-driven employee who wants to achieve success at work (and takes the necessary steps to ensure it) usually does.


Product knowledge

Employers value the employee who takes an interest in their company, and understands thoroughly the product or expertise that is the basis of company profits. They also consider enthusiasm and a high opinion of the company and the position positive qualities. Learning above and beyond the "minimum", being able to help customers, and actively seeking to increase the company client base are other valued traits according to employers.

The job seeker can demonstrate this enthusiasm and interest in the company by doing "homework" before a job interview, researching the company, its products, its client base, and possibly having ideas on marketing or increasing production.


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