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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Business English

Modul: Complaints - Žalbe

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Replies to Complaints



It is generally known that patience is a necessary thing in handling complaints. Sometimes, as a seller, you may think that the complaint is ungrounded, but you should first make sure that you have good and reliable grounds on which to repudiate the claim. A seller should treat all complaints as serious matters because a customer is entitled to know how the mistake will be remedied: what he is to do with the wrong consignment or the damaged goods he received or when he will receive a replacement.

If the complaint is justified the seller should immediately apologise to the buyer and suggest a solution. If the buyer offers to keep the goods, the seller usually accepts it and agrees to a price reduction. The amount of the reduction depends on how bad the mistake is and usually this is the best solution for the seller, even if there is a consequent loss.

The seller should also give a brief explanation on how the mistake will be remedied, because that is what the buyer is interested in. In doing so, the seller should never blame his staff, for this can make the whole company look irresponsible.


This is what he should do:

-acknowledge the letter of a complaint:

We refer to your letter of 15 May in which you say that the goods ordered have not yet arrived.

We refer to your letter of 15 May in which you say that the goods are defective.


-state the cause of the problem:

This delay was caused by the flood in the warehouse.

This was caused by an oversight on our part/circumstances beyond our control.

We have looked into the matter and found that it was due to the mistake in the export department.


-reassure the customer:

We can assure you that such mistakes will not happen again.

-state action taken to solve the problem:

The right goods have been dispatched to you and you should receive them by next week.

If you would keep the goods we would offer you a 20% discount on our list price.



We apologise for the inconvenience.


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