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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Business English

Modul: Complaints - Žalbe

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Complaints




Although most of the companies take care about their business being done carefully, mistakes happen. Even if you make sure that you have checked the details of the offers and orders and that the packing has been supervised and quality control carried out expertly, there still may be an accident. Sometimes the staff is not trained enough or there is a shortage of staff or lack of supervision. These can become causes of mishandled or damaged goods. What happens then is that customers complain. 

The customers complain if they receive the goods they didn’t order or if the quantity of the delivered goods is not as ordered. Problems may arise from the unsatisfactory quality of goods, that is, if the delivered goods are not according to the sample on the basis of which they were ordered. Sometimes even second-rate products are delivered. 

A customer dissatisfied with the execution of his order should complain in the following way. First:


refer to the order/date: 

I am writing with reference to the order…

We refer to the ………… 

state the general problem: 

The above order has not been delivered yet.

On opening the consignment we could see that some of the goods were broken.

On examining the delivery we noticed that some of the goods were missing. 

point out the exact mistake: 

We have received 40 boxes instead of 50 that we ordered.

The goods were not correctly packed and the bottles have been broken. 

state the reason you need the goods and ask the company to replace them: 

We need these goods for the Easter sales

We would ask you to send us the replacements without delay.

state action you require to be taken: 

If you do not send us the goods by 7 April we regret that we will be obliged to cancel the order.

If you do not send us the goods by 7 April we regret that we will be obliged to look for another supplier.

If this happens again we will be forced to cancel the order.


Smatrate da je ova lekcija korisna?  Preporučite je. Broj preporuka:6

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