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"Slučajno sam na nekoj diskusiji Infostuda našla vaš link i prosto sam zapanjena, obradovana i neizmerno ponosna što i u SRBIJI možemo da se služimo e-learning opcijom usavršavanja."…
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Kurs: -- English - Business English Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test choosing a hotel - Choosing a Hotel (PDF dokument) The most important thing when choosing a hotel for an international meeting is the meeting room or rooms. For example, you may need a large room where everyone can be together for presentations, and smaller meeting rooms for informal group discussions. Then, if people are coming from different countries, you need to find out about rooms for them to stay in. These should be spacious and comfortable, and have facilities for using e-mail and laptops, as people have to keep in touch with their offices even when they are away. The next point is amenities for hotel guests- things like a bar, a good quality restaurant and fitness and sports facilities. These are important because delegates need to be able to relax after a long day of meetings and get to know each other in informal situations. Finally, for an international meeting where delegates are coming from different countries, it can be very useful to choose a hotel which has good transport connections with the nearest airport. This can save everybody a lot of time. Karl Davidson is organizing the next project team meeting so he has booked rooms at the Crowne Hotel which is near the Park Avenue and quite close to the airport. Right now, he’s receiving a call from the manager of the hotel.
How to book a hotel room