Kurs: - Upper-Intermediate Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test the legend of king arthur
What makes the legends of King Arthur so popular? Why has the tale of an ancient Briton chieftain become a classic of literature? Because, besides having all the elements of a good tale: history, blood-and-guts battle scenes, romance, and chivalry, there is something for everyone. The Arthurian Legend as we know it today has been passed down through many historians and storytellers, and each has left their mark. The tale has been shaped by Welsh bards, Norman minstrels, British and French monks, and poets and historians through the ages. Each culture that has helped make the story of King Arthur the classic of literature it is today has a myth that resembles a facet of the Legend. The history of many cultures affects the story. There were many miracles that occurred in the Legends of King Arthur. When Arthur pulled the sword from the stone, he performed a miracle. It is believed that these miracles were added by the influence of Christianity. One of the requirements of becoming a Christian saint is that a person must perform miracles. However, Christianity probably was inspired by the popularity of men who committed supernatural actions. The King Arthur stories of today are saturated with pious Christianity. Arthur and his knights swore their oaths by the Virgin Mary, they were granted visions by Jesus Christ, and regularly encountered saints in the courses of their quests. The most famous Arthurian quest is the Quest for the Holy Grail, the cup supposed to have been used by Christ at the Last Supper, and to have held His blood and sweat. It is thought that Joseph of Arimathea brought the Holy Grail to Britain in 63 A.D. Joseph landed at a point in what is now England, where he founded Glastonbury Cathedral. The monks of Glastonbury later claimed to have the bones of Arthur and Guenivere, but most believers in the stories say that could not be true, as the wounded Arthur was taken to the Isle of Avalon. The Isle of Avalon was believed to be the island of Eternal Youth. It was here that Arthur was taken, to join the bodies of all his knights. There they would sleep until Britain needed them again. The legendary Arthur gathered all the greatest knights in the land and gave them places at the great Round Table in his capital, Camelot. Because the table was round, all of the places at the table were equal and no knight could be counted higher in the king’s favour than any other. The circle was thought to be a symbol of eternity and equality. The circle has no beginning and no end, thus represents one whole company with no distinction for favour. King Arthur endeavoured to maintain the ideals of the Round Table forever. Many of the Arthurian quests had to do with magically endowed items. Magic weapons and relics were commonplace. The Holy Grail, Excalibur, and countless other swords, suits of armor, and magic rings were included. Innumerable myths of other cultures included magical objects. All of these components from many different cultures have come together to make King Arthur the classic hero he is today. Of all the legends of the world, this is perhaps one of the best known and loved.