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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Elementary

Modul: Articles

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: The Age of the Train

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test the age of the train
- Test the age of the train
- The Age of the Train (PDF dokument)

We talk to Emily Simpson. She is twenty-eight years old and she's a marketing consultant. She lives in London but she often works in France. She goes there by train. It takes her three hours to get there and she works during the journey. By plane, it takes an hour. She prefers travelling by train. There are several trains a day. The ticket is cheap and it isn't crowded. She has a lot of work so she is usually alone in the cabin. In Paris she works in an office which is very close so she goes there on foot. She is at work at half past one. The office is very big and beautiful. It isn't far from the city centre. She usually stays at a friend's flat, works next day and gets the seven o'clock train home. The trains are very fast and comfortable. She usually sleeps on the train. When she goes back to England she is very tired. She gets to London at 9 o'clock British time. When she comes to London she takes a taxi or uses the underground. The underground is also very fast but she doesn't like it. Her husband is an engineer. His name is John. He works in an office too. The office is near their house in London so John goes to work on foot. It takes him 15 minutes to get to work. The office isn't so big but it's very modern. When he has an important meeting in the city centre he usually takes a taxi. He usually has meetings at the International Museum. Important people come there. After the meeting they go to a restaurant. The restaurant is very expensive. John sometimes comes home very late. Emily and John go to bed at around 1 o'clock.




Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

age – doba
train – voz
marketing consultant – marketing saradnik
journey – putovanje
ticket – karta
cabin – kabina
underground – metro, podzemna železnica
meeting – sastanak

future - budućnost

future - budućnost talk – pričati, razgovarati
prefer – više voleti, preferirati
stay – odsesti, boraviti
go back – vraćati se
sleep – spavati 
use - koristiti
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

several – nekoliko
a day – dnevno
cheap – jeftin
crowded – krcat
alone – sam
close – blizu
by plane – avionom
on foot – pešice
far – daleko
fast – brz
comfortable – udoban
tired – umoran
near – blizu

modern – moderan

important – važan, bitan

expensive – skup

during – za vreme

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