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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Intermediate

Modul: The Third Conditional

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Some Things I wish I hadn`t Said to My Girlfriend

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test some things i wish i hadn`t said to my girlfriend
- Test some things i wish i hadn`t said to my girlfriend
- Some Things I wish I hadn`t Said to My Girlfriend (PDF dokument)

I wish I did not spend time on writing things like these, but I have to get this out of my system...

Last evening, while browsing through the clothes at my favourite boutique, I ran into my ex girlfriend. There is no bad blood between us and it was good to see her, but the experience was a trigger for my thoughts about my dating past. While I was at another boutique, I came across some t-shirts which had funny messages printed on them.  That brought to my mind the messages my girlfriend used to send me and I came up with some things I wish I had said, or not said, to exes, recent and from the distant past.

I wish I'd said less about your appearance, more about your ideas.

I wish I had said less about my exes - that was stupid. And a little mean.

I wish I'd said nicer things about your messages; they weren’t that bad.

I wish I'd never said "I love you" when we were drunk. You were right; I didn't mean it and it did not sound genuine.

I wish I'd said "I look ridiculous in these" when you told me to buy those yellow leather shoes. I did. I've worn them only once, and everybody thought I looked like an idiot.

I wish I'd said "no" when you asked for money. That was not the kind of help you needed.

I wish I’d been more straightforward about my pet allergy - I couldn't bare the sight of your pets every day we were together.

I wish I had told you why I was mad in some situations because your assumptions and the assumptions of your friends ruined my life.

I wish I hadn't said those hopeful things about us and the future while we were breaking up -that was pathetic.

I wish I'd said it over the phone - I thought you needed to hear it in person, but it was cruel to make you wait.

I wish I'd said less. I was worried you wouldn't think I was interesting.




Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):
trigger - okidač
bad blood - zla krv
experience - iskustvo
appearance - izgled
assumption - pretpostavka
browse - pretraživati, pregledati
run into - naleteti na
come across - nabasati, naići na
bring to mind - podsetiti
break up - raskinuti (vezu)
bare - podnositi
ruin - uništiti
tease - zadirkivati
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
dating - u vezi sa zabavljanjem
distant - dalji, udaljen
mean - zao, zločest
genuine - iskren, pravi
hopeful - pun nade
pathetic - patetičan
ridiculous - smešan
straightforward - iskren
in person - lično
cruel - okrutan



Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):
bad blood - animosity, animus
experience – knowledge, understanding, practice, skill
appearance – look, appearing
assumption – presumption, theory, opinion, belief, guess, expectation
browse - look for, search, seek
run into - meet
come across -  meet
bring to mind – remember
break up -  part, split, split up, separate, break
bare – put up with
ruin – destroy, devastate, wreck, demolish
tease – mock, provoke, taunt
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

distant - far, remote
mean - unpleasant, rude, unfriendly
genuine - authentic, real, original
hopeful - optimistic, promising, encouraging

pathetic – inadequate
ridiculous – stupid, silly, outrageous, absurd, foolish
straightforward – honest, open, direct, sincere
in person – personally
cruel –  brutal, inhuman




Nouns (imenice):Verbs (glagoli):

experience - ignorance, inexperience

assumption - fact, knowledge, truth

browse - find

bring to mind - ignore, forget

break up - put together, unite

ruin - protect, fix

tease - calm, help, make happy

Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):

distant -approachable, close, near, nearby

mean - generous, kind, unselfish

genuine - unreal, misleading

hopeful - hopeless, unenthusiastic

pathetic - cheerful, excellent

ridiculous - logical, sensible, serious

straightforward - dishonest, devious, insincere

in person - indirectly

cruel - gentle, kind, pleasant



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