Kurs: -- English - Elementary
Modul: Will
Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić
Naziv jedinice: Predictions
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- Test predictions - Test predictions - Test predictions - Predictions (PDF dokument)
Professor Smith talked about various predictions about the future.
- John: Professor what do you think about the latest climate report?
- Professor Smith: In the next twenty-five years the temperature will rise a lot.
- John: What will be the consequences of that?
- Professor Smith: The ice at the North and South poles will melt and the sea level will rise.
- John: Do you think the whole countries will disappear?
- Professor Smith: That won’t happen for another hundred years.
- John: Will there be enough fresh water for everyone?
- Professor Smith: Yes, there will be. But it won’t come from rainfall.
- John: Will fresh water cost more?
- Professor Smith: Yes, certainly.
- John: Will people have to change their lifestyles?
- Professor Smith: Yes, they will. Everything will be completely different.
- John: Will people go to work by car?
- Professor Smith: I don’t think so. I think they will use some different kind of transport. They will maybe use a plane! I am not sure.
- John: Will children go to school?
- Professor Smith: No, they won’t. They’ll stay at home. They’ll have private teachers. Every child will have a computer and the Internet, of course.
- John: Will children have time to play outside the house?
- Professor Smith: No, they won’t. They will be very busy studying about Computers, History, Maths…
- John: Will there be more buildings?
- Professor Smith: Oh, yes. There’ll be many new houses too. Population in cities will rise a lot!
- John: Will people go to the cinema?
- Professor Smith: No, they won’t. They will have their own private cinemas at home. They won’t leave their houses unnecessarily.
- John: That is very sad. I don’t want to live in the future! I won’t have any friends, any free time. I won’t have a life! Do you agree with me professor?
- Professor Smith: Yes, I do. But these are only predictions. We won’t see anything of it. Luckily!

Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
predict – predviđati prediction – predviđanje report - izveštaj climate - klima consequence - posledica ice - led north and south poles – severni i južni pol sea - more level - nivo rainfall – jaka kiša lifestyle – stil života population - stanovništvo
rise – rasti, dizati se melt – topiti se disappear - nestati cost - koštati use - koristiti agree – složiti se
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
various – različit, raznolik latest - poslednji whole - ceo enough - dovoljno fresh - svež certainly – svakako, nesumljivo completely – potpuno, u celosti different – različit, drugačiji unnecessarily - nepotrebno sad - tužan luckily – srećom, na sreću