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Kada sam na fakultetu polagala ispit iz Obrazovne tehnologije jedno od pitanja je bilo nastava na daljinu. Pojam, značenje, prednosti i nedostaci su mi bili poznati ali u isto vreme daleki, nedostižni…
Za one koji žele da znaju više.
Ovo bi svakako trebalo da probate.
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Kako ocenjujete svoje trenutno znanje engleskog jezika?
Kurs: -- English - Elementary Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test picnic after all - Test picnic after all - Test picnic after all - Picnic After All (PDF dokument) Helen is at home these days because she worked really hard last month so her boss gave her some days off work. Since she doesn't like just sitting at home while all her friends go to work during the day (and she has already visited all of them!), she talked to Mark last night and they made a decision to go to the country for a picnic on Saturday. They made preparations very carefully what to buy and what to take. But before they go, Mark has to go to his office on Saturday morning to take some papers. On Friday evening, at about midnight, the phone rang. Helen answered the phone. It was Mark's boss.
(She passed him the phone nervously)
He hung up and started to look for his clothes. He got dressed very quickly. Helen looked at him angrily.
When she woke up in the morning Mark wasn't there. She looked fearfully at her watch and thought: "I was so angry with him last night, but now I'm afraid because he's not here." She wanted to call him, but the same moment she heard their car. It was Mark, she knew. He spent the whole night in the office, working very hard to fix all the mistakes, and now he was there. He looked at her softly and told her to take the things and get in the car. She did it obediently, without saying a word. She was so happy, but also a little worried. Helen: "You are tired, you can't drive", she told him when she got inside the car. Mark: "Don't worry, darling. You know that I drive very well. I'll sleep when we get there." He started the engine and they drove happily to their picnic site.