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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Elementary

Modul: Prepositions of Time

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: People Start Work at 9

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test people start work at 9
- Test people start work at 9
- Test people start work at 9
- People Start Work at 9 (PDF dokument)

Helen: So, Tony, you’re Australian, right?
Tony: That’s right.
Helen: And where do you come from in Australia?
Tony: From Sydney.
Helen: Sydney! It’s very beautiful there.
Tony: I think it’s very beautiful. It is my hometown.
Helen: Tell me about the daily routine in Australia. What time do you get up?
Tony: During the week, we get up at seven in the morning.
Helen: What time do children start school in the morning?
Tony: Usually at about nine o’clock.
Helen: Nine o’clock. That’s later than many countries.
Tony: Yes, it is.
Helen: And when do they finish school?
Tony: At about three in the afternoon.
Helen: And when do people go to work in the morning?
Tony: Well, we start work at nine o’clock, so we go to work at seven thirty or eight o’clock.
Helen: So they start work at nine o’clock, is that right?
Tony: That’s right. Nine o’clock.
Helen: And when do you have lunch?
Tony: Well, we have lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon. We usually stop work and have a sandwich, but our main meal is dinner, in the evening.
Helen: And what time do you finish work?
Tony: We finish work at five in the afternoon. Actually, we leave work at five in the afternoon. We probably finish work earlier.
Helen: And when do you have dinner?
Tony: At seven o’clock in the evening. We eat outside in the yard most of the year.
Helen: And when do you go to bed?
Tony: We go to bed at eleven or twelve at night.
Helen: And do you work on Saturdays and Sundays?
Tony: No, we don’t work at the weekend.




Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):
Sydney – Sidnej
hometown – rodni grad
routine – rutina
yard - dvorište
start – početi
come from – dolaziti, poticati
think – misliti
help – pomoći
know - znati
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
daily – dnevni
later – kasnije
actually – u stvari, zapravo
probably – verovatno
earlier – ranije
outside – napolju
everybody - svi

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