Pre svega želim da vam se zahvalim na veoma brzom i profesionalnom pristupu. Jovan Knežević - Hong Kong
"Slučajno sam na nekoj diskusiji Infostuda našla vaš link i prosto sam zapanjena, obradovana i neizmerno ponosna što i u SRBIJI možemo da se služimo e-learning opcijom usavršavanja."…
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Kako ocenjujete svoje trenutno znanje engleskog jezika?
Kurs: -- English - Elementary Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test our house is in a pretty village - Test our house is in a pretty village - Test our house is in a pretty village - Our House Is in a Pretty Village (PDF dokument) Our house is in a pretty village near Cambridge. It is in a beautiful place next to a river. It is very quiet and safe for children. The house is for five people. It is quite big and there is a garden at the back. There are three bedrooms, a bathroom and a toilet upstairs. There is a shower in the bathroom but there isn’t a bath. There is a washbasin in the bathroom, too. In every bedroom there are armchairs, beds, blue curtains and blue carpets. There are carpets in all the bedrooms and in the sitting room. The kitchen is at the back of the house and there is a door to the garden. There is a dishwasher, a cooker, a washing machine and a fridge in the kitchen. There is also a vase on the table. Next to the kitchen is a small dining room. There are two telephones, a television and stereo equipment in the house. There is no garage.