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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Elementary

Modul: Comparisons

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Men Talks

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test men talks
- Test men talks
- Test men talks
- Men Talks (PDF dokument)

Two friends watched a football match between their two favourite teams. The match finished some time ago, so they are talking about sports now.

Martin: What’s your favourite sport, Nikola?

Nikola: Well, I like every kind of sports, but I like basketball most of all. Maybe because basketball is a very popular sport in our country.

MartinPersonally, I don’t like basketball. Probably because my favourite basketball team is worse than the other teams. I think football is the most popular sport in our country.

Nikola: What kind of sport do you like?

Martin: Well, I like climbing. But very often I don`t have the opportunity to do it. It is one of the most dangerous sports, I think.

Nikola: No, I don`t think so. I think hang gliding is more dangerous than climbing. I suppose it is one of the most dangerous sports in the world.

Martin: Ok. What do you think is the most difficult sport?

Nikola: The most difficult sport… well, I think it is swimming. Or maybe it is the most tiring sport. Do you think it’s more tiring than horseback riding?


Martin: I think horseback riding is more tiring than swimming. But I can`t ride a horse, so I`m not sure about it.

Nikola: What do you think is the most beautiful sport?

Martin: The most beautiful sport for me is figure skating.

Nikola: Well, many people agree with you, I think. But the most beautiful sport for me is gymnastics. I really enjoyed watching it at the Olympic games this year. I was very sad when Aleksandar Nemov didn`t win the gold medal. He was really excellent. He wasn`t tired at all. And the audience liked him very much.

Martin: What is the roughest sport? What do you think?

Nikola: I think the roughest sport is wrestling. Wrestlers always hurt each other.

Martin: Well, I think you are not right. Rugby is rougher then wrestling, and don`t forget handball! It is as rough as rugby.

Nikola: Yeah… What is the most exciting sport?

Martin: For me, it is hockey. Or maybe auto racing. What do you think which of these two sports is more exciting?

Nikola: Well, auto racing, I think. I think it is the most exciting sport. I would like to drive a car fast, but I really don`t dare. Our streets are crowded and you should really be very careful.

Martin: I agree with you. Auto racing is for driving fast only on only on a track.

Nikola: And the cheapest sport? What do you think? Is it running? The only thing you need is a tracksuit and a pair of sneakers.

Martin: Hmm… I don`t think so. If you want to run, you really need quality sneakers, and they aren`t very cheap. In fact, the best sneakers for running are very expensive. And when you run every day for several kilometres you need to buy more than one pair of sneakers…

Nikola: You`re right. And what about chess?

Martin: Well, maybe it is the cheapest sport. You only need a chessboard.

Nikola: Yeah... Do you like chess?

Martin: Hmmm… I don`t like playing it, but I really think Kasparov is the best player ever. In fact, in my opinion nobody will be better than him.

Nikola: Perhaps you are right, but let`s not jump to conclusions... Oh, look at the time! I should go now. My wife`s surely worried. See you on Sunday.

Martin: Ok. Bye!



Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):
basketball - košarka
climbing - penjanje
opportunity - prilika
hang gliding - paraglajding
horseback riding - jahanje
figure skating – umetničko klizanje
gymnastics - gimnastika
gold medal – zlatna medalja
audience - publika
wrestling - rvanje
wrestler – rvač
handball - rukomet
rugby - ragbi
hockey - hokej
auto racing – auto trka
track - staza
running - trčanje
tracksuit - trenerka
a pair of sneakers – par patika
chess - šah
chessboard – tabla za šah
opinion – mišljenje
suppose - pretpostavljati
agree – složiti se
win - pobediti
dare – usuditi se
jump to conclusions – ishitreno
donositi zaključke
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
popular - popularan
personally – lično
probably - verovatno
dangerous - opasan
difficult – težak, teško
tiring - naporan
rough – grub
exciting - uzbudljiv
cheap - jeftin
quality – kvalitetan
expensive - skup
surely - sigurno
worried – zabrinut

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