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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Elementary

Modul: Pronouns

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Mark`s Story

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test mark`s story
- Test mark`s story





My friend John invited me to come to his birthday party. At first, I didn’t want to go, but then I changed my mind and decided to go. There were many people at the party and they all enjoyed themselves. I talked to all of them but I didn’t spend too much time with anyone. And then I saw her. She wore a beautiful red dress but she looked a little bit clumsy in it and for a moment I thought it wasn’t hers. I saw she looked herself in the mirror and thought that she was very pretty. I decided to meet her. I went out to my friend’s garden because I knew there were red roses in it. I wanted to pick one and give it to the girl. There was a knife in the garden and I took it to cut the rose, but I cut myself. I went to the bathroom to try to find a bandage and it took a long time. When I came out of the bathroom I went to the girl to introduce myself. She looked lovely and I fell in love with her in a second.

She told me later, on our wedding day that the red dress wasn’t hersWe had a lovely wedding party. All of our friends came and we danced and sang with them until the next morning. Of course, John was my best man.

Amy often tells this story to our children.


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