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Kako ocenjujete svoje trenutno znanje engleskog jezika?
Kurs: - Pre-Intermediate Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test helping the nation
Hello and welcome to The Worst Case Scenario Survival Training. My name is Tom and I am an emergency officer. On this occasion, I would like to give you some important advice on how to behave in an emergency. Imagine this situation. A car comes around the corner, out of control. Crash! It hits a tree. I am in an ambulance arriving at the accident site. The view is horrible. The windshield is broken, the car door is open and the driver is on the ground. He is severely injured, the bleeding is hard and he needs instant help. So, I am not a doctor. My job is to provide first aid- the first help for someone who is hurt or suddenly sick. I must stop serious bleeding, give mouth to mouth resuscitation, take care of a broken arm or a wound. This is what you should do if you find yourself in the situation to save someone`s life. The first thing is to keep calm and eliminate the cause of injury. Did you know that you can bleed to death in one minute if you cut a large blood vessel? You should make a pad of any clean cloth; put it directly on the wound and press. Then you should use a strip of cloth to tie on the pad. In case of head injuries, the head and shoulders should be slightly higher than the rest of the body. You also shouldn`t give any liquids to shock victims. Shock can be present when there are cases of poisoning, infection, bleeding or shortage of oxygen. Those persons are usually pale and cold, with rapid and shallow breathing and weak pulse. The next most dangerous thing can be an earthquake. People are mostly terrified by this catastrophe but it is very important to stay sane and reduce panic to the lowest level. You should get under a desk or a table and hold onto it, or move into a doorway. You should stay away from windows and get out of the kitchen. If you are outside, you should keep away from buildings and power lines. You should move your car as far out of traffic as possible and stay inside your car until the shaking stops. Another earthquake, larger or smaller may follow. You should stay prepared for the possible aftershocks. Then the medical and fire emergency come to the scene. The rest is our job.