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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: -- English - Elementary

Modul: Pronouns

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: Amy`s Story

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test amy`s story
- Test amy`s story
- Amy`s Story (PDF dokument)

It was love at first sight. I first saw him at my friend's party and thought to myself: "Who is this cute guy?" Then he looked at me and gave me a smile. I wore a red dress and I felt uncomfortable in it because it wasn't mine. It was borrowed from a friend. I saw a mirror on the wall and went there to look at myself in it. I looked OK in that dress and was ready to meet him, but when I turned round he wasn’t there anymore. I was disappointed but I saw some friends and went to join them. I tried to enjoy myself. They were very funny and I soon forgot about my cute guy. Suddenly I felt somebody behind me. It was him. He had a bandage on his finger and said: "I wanted to meet you earlier, but I had a small accident – I cut myself on a knife. My name's Mark." I was surprised and just said: "Amy, nice to meet you."

"It’s a very nice dress, did you sew it yourself?" he asked and I didn't know what to say so I lied and said yes. Then I saw that we were in front of that mirror and that we could see ourselves in it. We looked perfect together.
We still look perfect together. We live in Georgia with our three children. They all go to school. Mark works for a famous company. He's an electrical engineer. Every weekend we go to a picnic with our children. They always ask me to tell them the story about how their father and I met each other. And I always do.



Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):
love at first sight- ljubav na prvi pogled
party- žurka
guy- tip, muškarac, dečko
dress- haljina
mirror- ogledalo
wall- zid
bandage- zavoj
finger- prst
accident- nezgoda, nesreća
knife- nož
electrical engineer- elektro inženjer
picnic- izlet, piknik
story- priča
see- videti
think- misliti
give a smile- osmehnuti se
wear- nositi
meet- upoznati
turn round- okrenuti se
join- pridružiti
try- pokušati
enjoy- uživati
lie- lagati
forget about- zaboraviti na
want- želeti
cut- seći, poseći
sew- sašiti
ask- pitati
Adjectives and adverbs
(pridevi i prilozi):
Prepositions and conjunctions
(predlozi i veznici):
cute- sladak, simpatičan
uncomfortable- nelagodno, neprijatno
borrowed- pozajmljena
ready- spremna
any more- uopšte, više ne
disappointed- razočaran
funny- smešan
soon- uskoro, ubrzo
suddenly- iznenada
behind- iza
earlier- ranije
small- mali
surprised- iznenađen
perfect- savršeno
together- zajedno
 nice to meet you- drago mi je što smo se upoznali

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