Kada sam na fakultetu polagala ispit iz Obrazovne tehnologije jedno od pitanja je bilo nastava na daljinu. Pojam, značenje, prednosti i nedostaci su mi bili poznati ali u isto vreme daleki, nedostižni…
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Kako ocenjujete svoje trenutno znanje engleskog jezika?
Kurs: -- English - Elementary Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test amy`s story - Test amy`s story - Amy`s Story (PDF dokument) It was love at first sight. I first saw him at my friend's party and thought to myself: "Who is this cute guy?" Then he looked at me and gave me a smile. I wore a red dress and I felt uncomfortable in it because it wasn't mine. It was borrowed from a friend. I saw a mirror on the wall and went there to look at myself in it. I looked OK in that dress and was ready to meet him, but when I turned round he wasn’t there anymore. I was disappointed but I saw some friends and went to join them. I tried to enjoy myself. They were very funny and I soon forgot about my cute guy. Suddenly I felt somebody behind me. It was him. He had a bandage on his finger and said: "I wanted to meet you earlier, but I had a small accident – I cut myself on a knife. My name's Mark." I was surprised and just said: "Amy, nice to meet you." "It’s a very nice dress, did you sew it yourself?" he asked and I didn't know what to say so I lied and said yes. Then I saw that we were in front of that mirror and that we could see ourselves in it. We looked perfect together.