Kurs: -- English - Elementary
Modul: Present Simple Tense
Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić
Naziv jedinice: American Food
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Test american food -
American Food (PDF dokument)
John: Is it true, Lisa, that Americans always have eggs for breakfast?
Lisa: People often have toast and cereal, jam, yoghurt, things like that, but many people don’t have time to cook eggs. But if you go to a diner, you can get a big breakfast, and that usually includes eggs!
John: Do you always have meat and vegetables for lunch?
Lisa: Not always, no. In any case, I don’t eat meat.
John: Do people in the United States drink a lot of wine?
Lisa: Yes, they do, but they don’t drink it at every meal. They don’t drink wine at lunch and dinner every day. It depends on the person… I usually have a glass of wine at the weekend.
John: What do people drink then… at mealtimes?
Lisa: Water, juice. Some families drink milk with their meals.
John: Do you drink a lot of coffee?
Lisa: Yes, people drink coffee during the day. Many people have five or six cups of coffee a day. We usually drink it black. Other people prefer it with cream.
John: What’s the main vegetable that you find at most meals?
Lisa: I suppose we often eat potatoes with our main meal. Potatoes are very popular. But we also eat a lot of pasta, but we don’t eat pasta and potatoes!
John: Are there many people who don’t eat meat in the United States?
Lisa: More and more, yes. Every restaurant always offers several vegetarian dishes, and when people come to dinner you often check to see if there are any vegetarians.

Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
food – hrana true – istina egg – jaje toast – tost cereal – žitarice jam – džem yoghurt – jogurt diner – restoran meat – meso vegetables – povrće main meal – glavno jelo wine – vino person – ličnost, osoba glass – čaša water – voda juice – sok milk – mleko cup – šolja cream – pavlaka, šlag potato – krompir dinner – večera lunch – ručak breakfast – doručak pasta – pasta, testenina dish – jelo vegetarian – vegetarijanac meal – obrok, jelo |
cook – kuvati get – dobiti include – uključiti have – imati eat – jesti drink – piti depend on – zavisiti od (nekog ili nečeg) prefer – više voleti find – pronaći suppose – pretpostavljati offer – ponuditi check – proveriti leave – napustiti, otići |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
always – uvek often – često usually – obično every – svaki, a, o on the weekend – vikendom then – onda at mealtimes – za vreme obroka during – za vreme, tokom a day – dnevno other – ostali, drugi most – većina, najveći deo several – nekoliko vegetarian - vegetarijanski |
Fraza: in any case – u svakom slučaju |