Kurs: -- English - Elementary
Modul: Present Continuous Tense
Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić
Naziv jedinice: A Usual Conversation at a Party
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Test a usual conversation at a party -
Test a usual conversation at a party -
Test a usual conversation at a party -
A Usual Conversation at a Party (PDF dokument)
Gina and Jane are neighbours. They are at the party. They meet some new people there and talk about them.
Jane: Gina, look! What is that woman wearing? It is the middle of July and she's wearing a sweater and boots! And she's also wearing those big earrings!
Gina: And look at that man over there.
Jane: What man? There are many men here.
Gina: There is a man next to the window. He's talking to Marco, Luca's friend. Do you see him?
Jane: Yes, I do. He's very handsome and looks quite nice.
Gina: Yes. But he's wearing that horrible orange tie, green shirt and yellow suit. What an awful combination!
Jane: And look at his socks! He's wearing pink socks!
Gina: Do you see the woman with a red hat?
Jane: Where is she?
Gina: She's standing near the door. In fact she's leaning on Luca. Why is she doing that? Luca doesn't like her.
Jane: Maybe she is tired.
Gina: Her dress is very beautiful and modern.
Jane: You are right. But look at that man in front of her. He's sitting in the armchair. He's holding something in his hand. What is that?
Gina: I don't know. I think he's holding… wait… he's holding some animal in his hand! No… he isn't holding an animal in his hand, he's holding a fur! That fur definitely belongs to that woman with the boots!
Jane: Yeah. There are Jill and Joanna. They're dancing! But they never dance! I like Jill's skirt and that silver blouse. And her bracelet is so interesting.
Gina: I like Joanna's trousers and white belt.
Jane: And her sandals are so cute!
Gina: You are right. Look! There is a man behind them. He's really good-looking.
Jane: I see him. He's smiling at me.
Gina: Yeah. Go and talk to him.
Jane: Ok. Bye!
Gina: Bye!

Nouns (imenice): | Verbs (glagoli): |
neighbour – komšija, sused sweater – džemper the middle – sredina boot – čizma earring – minđuša tie – kravata shirt – košulja suit – odelo combination – kombinacija socks – čarape hat – šešir door – vrata dress – haljina armchair – fotelja hand – ruka animal – životinja fur – krzno skirt – suknja blouse – bluza bracelet – narukvica trousers – pantalone belt – kaiš sandals – sandale dance floor –podijum za igru head – glava
meet – upoznati, sresti talk about – pričati o wear – nositi, oblačiti talk to – pričati sa look – izgledati look at – pogledati stand – stajati lean on – nasloniti se hold – držati wait – čekati belong – pripadati dance – plesati smile – smejati se |
Adjectives and adverbs (pridevi i prilozi): | Prepositions and conjunctions (predlozi i veznici): |
new – nov next to – pored handsome – zgodan quite – prilično horrible – užasan, grozan orange – narandžast green – zelen yellow – žut awful – grozan, odvratan pink – ružičast red – crven tired - umoran near – blizu, pored beautiful – lep modern – moderan definitely – definitivno never – nikad silver – srebrn white – beo cute – ljubak, simpatičan good-looking – zgodan comfortable – udoban |
in fact – u stvari in front of – ispred behind - iza |