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Kako ocenjujete svoje trenutno znanje engleskog jezika?
Kurs: - Elementary Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test a typical day - Test a typical day
Mike: Sam, tell me about your brother’s typical day. Sam: Well, my brother’s name is Billy and he usually gets up at about noon. Mike: Noon! Sam: Yes, noon. Mike: But that’s… Sam: Twelve o’clock, yes, that’s right. Mike: But what does he do? Sam: Oh, he’s a musician. But he doesn’t have much work right now. Mike: OK, so what does he do after he gets up? Sam: Well, he usually has breakfast. Mike: So, after breakfast…? Sam: … after breakfast, he always meets his friends and they often play hockey. And then they usually have lunch. Mike: And what do they do after lunch? Sam: Well, they sometimes go to a concert or they play some music. Mike: And then what? Do they go to bed? Sam: Well, my brother usually has dinner at a restaurant at nine or ten in the evening if he’s hungry, and then… Mike: … he goes to bed? Sam: … he always goes to a club or a party. Mike: And when does he go home? Sam: Four or five o’clock in the morning. Mike: Four or five o’clock in the morning? Does he do this every day? Sam: Well, he doesn’t do it on Sunday. Mike: What does he do on Sunday? Sam: He always stays at home and calls his friends. Mike: Every Sunday? Sam: Yes, most people are at home on Sunday. Mike: I see. And this is a typical day? Sam: Yes, well, it’s typical for my brother.