Da li zato što je DLS novina kod nas (bar za mene)ili još više što će mi koristiti, tek, nalazim da je Arhitektura, izgradnja i održavanje PC računara prava stvar i svakom…
Pre svega želim da vam se zahvalim na veoma brzom i profesionalnom pristupu. Jovan Knežević - Hong Kong
Za one koji žele da znaju više.
Ovo bi svakako trebalo da probate.
Koliko znate PR?
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Kako ocenjujete svoje trenutno znanje engleskog jezika?
Kurs: - Elementary Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju: - Test a day out of routine - Test a day out of routine
But today, after his work he isn`t going to the supermarket. He`s going to the cinema. He never goes to the cinema in the afternoon, but today he`s going there with his colleagues. He`s going on foot. He never goes on foot. He always goes by car. He isn`t writing a letter at home today, and he isn`t going to his parents. He`s writing the letter at work. After the cinema he and his colleagues are going to their general manager`s home. His wife is preparing a dinner for them. On his way there he`s stopping to send the letter. This evening he isn`t playing basketball, and he isn`t going to a bar for a drink with his friends. He`s having dinner with his colleagues and after that, they are playing cards together. After this evening with his colleagues, he is taking a taxi.