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Arhiva anketa


Kurs: - Elementary

Modul: Present Continuous Tense

Autor: prof. Gordana Matorkić

Naziv jedinice: A Day Out of Routine

Materijali vezani uz ovu lekciju:

- Test a day out of routine
- Test a day out of routine




 Mike is a marketing consultant. He works in a big company. He wakes up at 6.30, then he gets up and goes to the bathroom. He washes his face and teeth, has a bath, gets dressed and has a big breakfast. He leaves home at 7.15 and goes to work. He starts his work at 8 a.m. and finishes at 4 p.m. After his work he goes to the supermarket to buy something for lunch, and then he goes home. After lunch he writes a letter to his daughter. She lives in another city. Then he goes to see his parents. On his way there he stops at the post office. He sends the letter to his daughter. In the evening he plays basketball with his friends. After that they all go to a bar for a drink. He comes home tired and goes to bed at midnight.

But today, after his work he isn`t going to the supermarket. He`s going to the cinema. He never goes to the cinema in the afternoon, but today he`s going there with his colleagues. He`s going on foot. He never goes on foot. He always goes by car. He isn`t writing a letter at home today, and he isn`t going to his parents. He`s writing the letter at work. After the cinema he and his colleagues are going to their general manager`s home. His wife is preparing a dinner for them. On his way there he`s stopping to send the letter. This evening he isn`t playing basketball, and he isn`t going to a bar for a drink with his friends. He`s having dinner with his colleagues and after that, they are playing cards together. After this evening with his colleagues, he is taking a taxi.

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