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<< Nazad

Naziv kursa: - Intermediate
Oblast kursa: Engleski jezik
Opis kursa: Srednji kurs omogućava polazniku da solidno ovlada širokim spektrom funkcija engleskog jezika, u pismenoj i usmenoj formi, kao i razumevanje i učestvovanje u konverzaciji sa govornikom kome je engleski jezik maternji.
Ciljevi kursa: Da osposobi polaznika za izražavanje mišljenja vezanih za apstraktne teme kao i za razumevanje različitih instrukcija. Da osposobi polaznika za učestvovanje u razgovorima na različite teme unutar poznate oblasti. Da osposobi polaznika za pisanje pisama i beleženje podataka vezanih za poznate teme.
Naziv modula:
Naziv nastavne jedinice:
1. Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense 1.1 Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense  free
1.2 Wedding Traditions from around the World  free
1.3 Wedding Traditions from around the World - Vocabulary
1.4 The Sun is Threatening
1.5 The Sun is Threatening - Vocabulary  free
2. Past Simple Tense 2.6 Past Simple Tense
2.7 The Tuxedo  free
2.8 The Tuxedo - Vocabulary
2.9 Walt Disney   free
2.10 The Tuxedo  free
2.11 Walt Disney - Vocabulary
2.12 The Olympic Games  free
2.13 The Olympic Games - Vocabulary
3. Adjectives 3.14 Adjectives
3.15 Film Review  free
3.16 Film Review - Vocabulary
3.17 Film Critics  free
3.18 Film Critics - Vocabulary
4. Question Tags 4.19 Question Tags  free
4.20 Dreams
4.21 Dreams - Vocabulary  free
5. Past Continuous Tense 5.22 Past Continuous Tense
5.23 Happiness  free
5.24 Happiness - Vocabulary
6. Used to 6.25 Used to, Be Used to  free
6.26 Cat in the Rain
6.27 Cat in the Rain - Vocabulary  free
7. Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense 7.28 Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
7.29 What Goes on in your Mind  free
7.30 What Goes on in your Mind - Vocabulary
7.31 Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense  free
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 8.32 Present Perfect Continuous Tense
8.33 Bermuda  free
8.34 Bermuda - Vocabulary
9. Modal Verbs 9.35 Modal Verbs  free
9.36 Make a Specialty
9.37 Make a Specialty - Vocabulary  free
9.38 Religious Marks out of France
9.39 Religious Marks out of France - Vocabulary  free
10. Adverbs 10.40 Adverbs
10.41 Communication  free
10.42 Communication - Vocabulary
11. Reported Speech 11.43 Reported Speech  free
11.44 Is Honesty Always the Best Policy
11.45 Is Honesty Always the Best Policy - Vocabulary  free
12. Relative Clauses 12.46 Relative Clauses
12.47 Madonna  free
12.48 Madonna - Vocabulary
12.49 The Beatles  free
12.50 The Beatles - Vocabulary
13. Passive Voice 13.51 Passive Voice  free
13.52 Powerful Women in our History
13.53 Powerful Women in our History - Vocabulary  free
13.54 Tea
13.55 Tea - Vocabulary  free
14. Causative Have 14.56 Causative Have
14.57 Prepare yourself for Summer Holidays  free
14.58 Prepare yourself for Summer Holidays - Vocabulary
15. The First Conditional 15.59 The First Conditional  free
15.60 Horoscope
15.61 Horoscope - Vocabulary  free
16. The Second Conditional 16.62 The Second Conditional
16.63 What if...  free
16.64 What if... - Vocabulary
17. Past Perfect Tense 17.65 Past Perfect Tense  free
17.66 Frankenstein
17.67 Frankenstein -Vocabulary  free
18. Past Perfect Continuous Tense 18.68 Past Perfect Continuous Tense
18.69 Famous Idiots  free
18.70 Famous Idiots - Vocabulary
19. Past Modal Verbs 19.71 Past Modal Verbs  free
19.72 One Monday Morning
19.73 One Monday Morning - Vocabulary  free
20. The Third Conditional 20.74 The Third Conditional
20.75 Wish  free
20.76 Lie and Deception  free
20.77 Lie and Deception - Vocabulary
20.78 I Wish we Had  free
20.79 I Wish we Had - Vocabulary
21. Grammar Exercises 21.80 Grammar Tests
Elementi kursa:
  • Prevod
  • Audio
  • Vežbanja
  • Diktat
Ukupan broj testova: 21
Ukupan broj pitanja: 457
Voditelj kursa: prof. Gordana Matorkić
Opširnije o instruktoru
Preporučeno vreme korišćenja: 1 mesec
Preporuka za direktan nastavak školovanja: Engleski viši - Upper-Intermediate
Diploma / Sertifikat: Link poslovna škola - centar za strane jezike  Sertifikati
Statistika kursa: Uspeh polaznika na kursu