<< Nazad |
Naziv kursa: | -- English - Pre-Intermediate |
Oblast kursa: | Engleski jezik |
Opis kursa: | Niži srednji kurs omogućava polazniku razumevanje šireg spektra jezičkih funkcija. Ovaj nivo znanja osposobljava polaznika da samostalno koristi jezik u deskriptivne i narativne svrhe, kao i da uspešno upotrebljava jezik u usmenoj i pisanoj formi na nivou upotrebe engleskog kao stranog jezika. |
Ciljevi kursa: | Da osposobi polaznika za izražavanje mišljenja i postavljanje pitanja u poznatom kontekstu, kao i za razumevanje jasnih informacija u okviru poznate teme. Da osposobi polaznika za pisanje kraćih pisama koja sadrže lične informacije. |
Naziv modula: | |
1. Present Simple Tense |
1.1 Present Simple Tense free 1.2 Are You a Couch Potato 1.3 Exit Festival free |
2. Present Continuous Tense |
2.4 Present Continuous Tense 2.5 Free Time free 2.6 Answering Machine |
3. Past Simple Tense |
3.7 Past Simple Tense free 3.8 Hypatia 3.9 Gianfranco Ferré free |
4. Articles |
4.10 Articles 4.11 Getting to Know... Belgrade free 4.12 Getting to Know... London |
5. Verb Patterns: -ing, to+infinitive |
5.13 Verb Patterns: -ing, to free 5.14 In Vogue |
6. So, because |
6.15 So, Because free 6.16 How to Save Money? 6.17 Shepherd free |
7. Possessive S |
7.18 Possessive `s 7.19 Families free 7.20 Houses |
8. The Future: Will / Going to |
8.21 The Future: Will / Going to free 8.22 Holiday Plans 8.23 On Two Wheels in a Green Land free |
9. Prepositions |
9.24 Prepositions 9.25 Home Sweet Home free |
10. Quantifiers |
10.26 Quantifiers 10.27 Are You a Healthy Eater free 10.28 Making a Cake |
11. Comparisons |
11.29 Comparisons free 11.30 Average Age 11.31 Beauty free |
12. Present Perfect Tense |
12.32 Present Perfect Tense 12.33 What Do Women Want? free |
13. Relative Pronouns |
13.34 Relative Pronouns 13.35 Voodoo free |
14. Modal Verbs |
14.36 Modal Verbs 14.37 Creative Power free 14.38 Searching for the Job of Your Dreams |
15. Past Continuous Tense |
15.39 Past Continuous Tense free 15.40 Party Rules 15.41 The Twister Hit the Town free |
16. Passive Voice |
16.42 Passive Voice 16.43 Quiz free 16.44 Inventions |
17. The First Conditional |
17.45 Conditional sentences free 17.46 Some Important Tips 17.47 Problem Page free |
18. The Second Conditional |
18.48 Second Conditional 18.49 What Would You Do If free |
19. Past Perfect Tense |
19.50 Past Perfect Tense free 19.51 Weddings |
20. Review |
20.52 Review 20.53 What Would You Do If You Could Change Your Life free |
21. Grammar Exercises |
21.54 Grammar Tests |
Elementi kursa: |
Ukupan broj testova: | 21 |
Ukupan broj pitanja: | 213 |
Voditelj kursa: |
![]() Opširnije o instruktoru |
Preporuka za direktan nastavak školovanja: | English - Intermediate |
Diploma / Sertifikat: | ![]() |
Statistika kursa: | Uspeh polaznika na kursu |